Make Your Flowers Last Longer

Our organic, locally-grown blooms are picked fresh weekly and tend to last longer (and smell better!) than imported super market flowers.

To keep your blooms fresh, be sure to:

  1. Start with a squeaky clean vase.

  2. Remove leaves below the water line.

  3. Cut stems at a 45 degree angle (this increases the surface area for stems to suck up water!).

  4. Keep your bouquet in a cool location out of direct sunlight.

  5. Change the water a few times a week - daily if you can!

  6. Pluck out wilting flowers to keep bacteria from spreading to the other blooms.

Keep your blooms from ending up in the landfill!

  • Dry them and keep in a vase all-year round.

  • Press them to pop in a photo frame or album.

  • Pop them in your compost or garden-waste bin.